老边少地区慢性胃炎病因调查与对策 目的 调查分析老边少地区慢性胃炎高发的原因并提出相应对策,为老边 少地区慢性胃炎的防治提供。方法 用回顾性调查法对2064 例胃镜诊断确诊为慢 性胃炎的临床病例进行调查分析。结果 解热镇痛抗炎药所致慢性胃炎1310 例, 占被调查人数的63.47%;饮食方式(辛辣、生、冷、硬、过热食物、暴饮暴食) 共388 例,占18.80%;
精神因素186 例,占9%;
酒精所致156 例占7.75%。结论 加大力度普及健康,加强对解热镇痛抗炎药物的流通管理对减少慢性胃炎的发病, 提高老边少地区人民生活质量具有重要意义。
病因调查 [Abstract] Objective To investigate and analysis the results about chronic gastritis of border areas of old liberated and minority nationality and put forward response strategies,and provide more local information for prevention andtreatment of chronic gastritis Methods Using retrospective survey method to investigate and analysis the total 2064 clinical patients .Results By the survey,we found that most of the patients are caused by the abuse of ntipyretic-analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs,which covers 63.47% .About 18.80% patients are caused by diet. Due to the climate ,so much spicy, raw, cold, hard, hot food was eaten by people lived there.There are also about 7.75%patients caused by excessive alcohol consumption and about 9% patients caused by mental factors.Conclusion More efforts should be put to spread health education and strengthen the circulation management about antipyretic-analgesicand anti-inflammatory drugs,so that the incidence of chronic gastritis can be reduced,and the local quality of life can be improved. [Keywords] Border areas of old liberated and minority nationality;
Chronic gastritis;
antipyretic-analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;
pathogenic research 慢性胃炎系指多种因素对胃粘膜造成损伤而形成的慢性炎症,是临床常见病, 多发病,医学对其病因尚未完全明了,一般认为与不良饮食习惯及胆汁反流造成 的化学、物理因子刺激、Hp 感染,免疫失衡,年龄老化和遗传有关,并认为Hp 感染是主要病因之一。作为老边少地区高发病,也是胃癌的重要危险因素,严重 害老边少地区人民的身体健康和生活质量。探明其病因对预防和该病,提高本地 区人民生活质量具有重大意义。大量资料显示,慢性胃炎的诱发因素存在很大的 区域性差异,因此,在本地区展开大样本调查分析,得出较为客观的结论,为慢 性胃炎的预防和治疗提出合理建议。
1 对象与方法 2 结果 2.2 服用解热镇痛抗炎药,最长达20 年,最短时间1 年。24 小时用量和一次用量远远超高,绝大多数成隐。见表2。
2.3 男性Hp 阳性184 例,占总数的8.91%,女性197 例,占9.5%,男女Hp 阳性共381 例,占总数的18.45%。见表1。
3 讨论 本地区Hp 阳性检出率,男女 之间差异不显著。③胃酸/胃蛋白酶为重要粘膜损伤因素。④与周围环境的有害 因素及易感体质有关。解热镇痛抗炎药的反复作用于易感人体引起慢性胃炎,病 因持续存在或反复发生即可形成慢性胃炎,应加强宣传教育,给患者宣传有病看 医生的理念,切忌滥用解热镇痛药,同时应加强对解热镇痛抗炎药的流通管理。